Thread: Trump and Putin
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Old 01-01-2017, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It's fun watching you Trump sheep try to justify his behavior. Wow, now you think Trump is simply waiting to be sworn in? Interesting how he doesn't seem to want to wait to weigh in on other issues. Why do you think he's doesn't want to condemn the man who put him in office (along with FBI director Comey)? Could it be Trump doesn't want a full and transparent investigation because it might find things he doesn't want us to know?

The real question is this: Why do YOU not want a full and transparent investigation?

Now Trump is saying he knows things that no one else knows, apparently that includes the president.

Trump won't be making the decisions on whether to have a full and transparent investigation. That will be the republican led congress, starting Thursday when Senator McCain's Armed Services Committee has its first hearing.