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Old 01-02-2017, 03:01 PM is offline
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Default Villages Hospital

Originally Posted by Tbear View Post
My wife became quite ill yesterday vomiting multiple times, 103.3 fever, loss of mental capacity - very scary and had to take her to the ER because everything was closed after 8 pm.

By the time I got here there she could barely sit up and was pretty foggy. I signed her in at the ER desk and was told to sit down in the waiting area. An hour later - still sitting there with my wife barely able to stay awake.

Went to the desk and was told to go see the triage nurse. Triage nurse said that she was next to be evaluated to see when she could be schedulef to be seen by the medical staff. Fifteen minutes went by - still nothing.

I understand that an ER operates on a highest need basis etc., etc. but my wife was obviously in need of immediate attention.

I walked out and drove her to Leesburg Hospital - walked in and they took one look at her and she was being treat literally in minutes. I can't speak highly enough about the Leesburg staff.

Due to privacy, suffice to say that my wife is doing much better thanks to the great care in the ER at Leesburg.

I will never, ever, step foot in the Villages Hospital again.

Beware - it's just a short drive to Leesburg if you ever have a medical emergency - I strongly recommend avoiding the Villages ER.
I know this has been said many times before..... if you are experiencing an emergency, or needing immediate attention..... call 911....... care starts immediately when the paramedics arrive and is continued during transport. You are taken directly into the ER..... not the waiting room.... you are triaged there. And yes, at TVRH you may still have a wait, but you are safer there than sitting in the waiting room. And certainly safer than getting back in a car and heading for Leesburg or Ocala..... If this was a CVA (stroke), care would have been initiated in the ambulance. This could have been a fatal trip to Leesburg. There are so many variables. It is just always safer to call 911. Especially this time of year.... when all local hospitals may be on divert....