Thread: Saving Medicare
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Old 01-04-2017, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Get rid of it. If you need health care that bad, then you probably qualify for Medicaid, which provides much more at less cost. Medicare is crap.

But, liberals are a needy bunch of losers so they are even too lazy to apply for Medicaid. Probably have to make it automated like Medicare so that they won't get lost trying to figure it out.

Rachel Madcow is a cretin with no brain and Bernie is a chump loser that let Hillary play him like the demented old commie he is. He can't die fast enough. He is a drain on resources.

To summarize, I hope they really do consider getting rid of Medicare. It's just a slush fund for congress. For the money that the gov deducted from payroll, you can get real health insurance that really provides services.
talk about cretinous losers. everyone who gets medicare is evaluated fot medicaid.