Thread: Saving Medicare
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Old 01-04-2017, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sounds simple enough, 'get real health insurance that really provides services'. The only problem is real insurance companies won't take anyone with a pre-existing condition, once the ACA is repealed (in about three weeks). These same insurance companies will be able to drop anyone who gets sick. These same companies don't have a life-time cap, one illness can cause bankruptcy.
ALL insurance works on a risk system...the more a risk you are...the more you pay. Why shouldn't that apply to medical ins too? Those who WILL use the most...need to pay the most.

With SOME preexisting conditions you're GUARANTEED to cost the ins company MORE then they'll EVER get from you in premiums. THAT is why they don't cover preexisting conditions.

It would be like an insurance company covering someone with 50 accidents all from drunk driving and speeding at the same rate as an old lady living in the villages, who drives a mile to the grocery store once a week.

So...WE end up subsidizing people with preexisting conditions with higher rates.

What we NEED to do is let these preemie babies with all kinds of health conditions pass on naturally, as nature intended. Let some of these elderly people with multiple problems, pass on naturally.

The MAJORITY of medical expenses are spent on the preemie babies and the elderly trying to hang on as long as possible.

Single payer system WILL have "death panels", we'll need them or go broke. Someone has to say...enough already...we tried, let nature take it's course.