Thread: Saving Medicare
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Old 01-04-2017, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sounds simple enough, 'get real health insurance that really provides services'. The only problem is real insurance companies won't take anyone with a pre-existing condition, once the ACA is repealed (in about three weeks). These same insurance companies will be able to drop anyone who gets sick. These same companies don't have a life-time cap, one illness can cause bankruptcy.
Let me make this real simple for you, Jan. I have been told that I have been too hard on you. Personally, I do not think you are as simple as you act. But, I may be wrong for once.

Yes, they wish to repeal ObieCare. But, if you would read or listen and keep up to date, you would know that they plan to keep certain parts, after they amend them. No, they are not keeping ObieCare. We would not be going through all this mess if the left would have included the right in their constructing of this piece of crap. The idea is to make it easier and cheaper for citizens to have health insurance, but not to make it mandatory. Almost everyone, or at least the majority had better and cheaper insurance prior to Obamacare.