Thread: Vapor or Smoke?
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Old 01-06-2017, 11:07 AM
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Close to 3 pack's a day near the end of my smoking career of about 40 years. Double Pneumonia and not being able to catch a good breath would make you think quitting smoking would be easy but the minute I started feeling better I fell off the recovery wagon. I ended up staying on the patch full strength for about a year and a half.

I always resented having to go outside to puff but resented quietly because I didn't want to hurt my grandkids with second hand smoke. If your thinking about stopping do whatever is needed. I gave away all my prized lighters and ashtrays and sat in different places than the ones where I did the smoking. I promise it is worth it. Think of the money you will free up!!$$ January 2nd was the 3 year anniversary for us. My wifes support was important, I would have not made it this far without her.

Last edited by Nucky; 01-06-2017 at 11:17 AM.