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Old 01-07-2017, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Politicians have not changed nor has the game of politics with one exception the ability to communicate to so many globally in a matter of microseconds.

Voters have not changed either we have a need to validate our vote so we won't have to tell ourselves that we got snookered.

So what's a voter to do when a politician looks you straight in the eye telling an untruth? What some do is take a step back and look at the bigger picture to see what is motivating the moving party.

People say Trump has been disrespectful toward our intelligence community. Yet, if one is objective we see that the intelligence community has repeatedly lost the respect of the people from failed intelligence, domestic snooping, and alleged torture tactics.

People say Russia hacked the DNC and spread information about Hillary Clinton to discredit her and to push the election to Trump.

Well all countries hack, spy, steal from one another so that is not newsworthy.

And from the advent of the primary, actually before, the American people knew of Hillary's many scandals breaches etc.

In a news article DNI Clapper states "Russia meddled in the election" Those opposing Trump ran with that headline and as usual left our the rest of the story . Clapper also said " the intelligence community couldn't gauge the influence the leaks of information had during the campaign or whether they impacted voters choices, describing the matter as outside his purview

Personally I am not a Trump fan. I did vote for Trump, not because of Trump, but because I rejected the social justice warriors (SJW) who were turning this nation into a hedonistic socialist nation and who were/are so intent on their agenda that they would create anarchy.

People claim that Trump's response to the Russia hacking is all about him. Perhaps? but the bigger issue is that the SJW continue to attempt to delegitimatize and discredit the Republican win in order to marginalize and minimize the policy changes the Trump Administration has announced. "Make America Sick Again"is one of those fear mongering canards.

Personal Best Regards:
I think I give up honestly.

Bow to Trump is the answer.

You have NEVER mentioned once his lack of criticism for a punk killer in Russia, nor he criticism PUBLICLY for his own country.

Speaking to just this forum..

I have seen no posts even attempting to delegitimize his victory.. posts who mention that are from those that support Trump. It is like an echo chamber of Trumps comments.

With each post, you seem to just take Trumps thoughts and deftly change the words a bit.

You have no concerns for his established Russian ties..none. Amazing how your entire thought process changed about association and character in 8 years.

You will agree with him under all he said he could shoot someone in the street and his followers would make an excuse.