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Old 01-07-2017, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Really! We been witnessing a national cry over, people running for safe spaces, destroying property harming people and you have the audacity to ask that question.

Apparently you want a continuation of a socialist program, of social justice warriors who will burn your house down if you don't acknowledge their agenda, and the continuation of the dismantling of this nation piece by piece

My vote went for a major shift in policy direction. Legislation is an ugly undertaking. My hope is that the Republicans don't fall into the same traps as the progressives. some examples Obamacare should not be replaced with another government program. Keep government out of the private health care and insurance business. Abide by the founders belief in the filibuster and avoid using the nuclear option. congress can rule by the purse they do not need to stoop to the low tactics employed by Reid and Pelosi.....

Personal Best Regards:

It sounds like you are quite pleased with the GOP plan to end Medicare when you say 'keep government out of insurance business'. Watch HHS nominee Rep Tom Price's confirmation hearing next week to learn all the details of his plan to end Medicare.