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Old 01-07-2017, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I'm very happy with my vote. I am thrilled with the outcome of this election.

Most of us agree that we don't like where the country is today. We may disagree on the direction that we'd like to see it go or the methods used to improve things. What we've been doing for the past sixty years is hiring professional politicians most of whom are lawyers to run the country for us. These are the people who are responsible for where the country is right now. I'm glad that we finally went outside the system and brought in a successful businessman who understands what it's like to have to work in the real world.

It's time to get rid of career politicians and get us back to a government of the people. The original idea for this country was to have regular citizens serve for short times in our government and then return to their civilian businesses of jobs.

We are in the mess that we are in today because we got away from that principle and have allowed professional politicians to take over our government and tilt the playing field so that if you're not part of their crowd it's very difficult to get in.

I'm thrilled to see we finally tossed o the lawyers and professional politicians.
Lawyers and professional politicians abound in Donald Trump's cabinet. It is just more of the same Uncle Sam with just a few different wrinkles here and there.