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Old 01-14-2017, 03:17 PM
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Default Progressives Do Well In Movies and Theatre

Progressives do well as actors, artist , etc because they are hyper imaginative and hyper emotional.

Proving a negative is very difficult and so the liberal media prefer to carry the Trump story along as unverifiable rather than an outright lie.

Indeed given Trump's riches and popularity around the world one would not be surprised at finding some unacceptable life event.

But let's assume that this unseemingly episode did take place in a Russia hotel room. so what! All nations spy and all nations collect embarassing dossier on high diplomatic figures. Even if this story were true and it is not Russia would have no more leverage over Trump than a man in the moon for a number of reason and the biggest of course is because Trump is president of the United States.

What effect did the "birther"issue have on Obama? Trump's issue would be one of character morality. However Obama's birther issue would have been one of legality and legitimacy as president. Which is the greater as to consequence?

The CNN/BuzzFeed story was so vile and unethical it shocks the conscious. No one can or should defend this sort of behavior by a news outlet. It does great damage to this nation in so many ways the greatest undermining our democracy.

Personal Best Regards: