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Old 01-16-2017, 06:45 AM
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Before asking if foreign influence made any difference in the election, someone first has to prove that there was ANY foreign influence. Foreign hacking does not equate to foreign influence. On the other hand, one might say legitimately that the liberal news media, with their leaks of personal information and imaginary theories had influence on the election. I have heard plenty of complaints about Hillary losing, but no proof that she lost due to a corrupt election system, or due to FALSE information revealed during the campaign. On the other hand, I guess Trump could pose the same conspiracy theory by accusing the left of leaking his '95 tax return or the illegally obtained recording from a decade ago. Now that is REAL evidence opposed to Hillary's foreign intervention and influence conspiracy theory. I do not know of anyone that changed their vote FROM Hillary to Trump, but I do know several conservatives that did NOT vote for Trump due to the recording of his '"locker room talk." So, if I was to vote I would have to say Russia hacking=NO, Media hacking=yes.

As a side note, I am interested in how the left can be offended by possible foreign intervention, when Obama was complicit in attempting to influence the Israeli election by donating thousands to the opposition. For some reason the left has no problem with that fact.