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Old 01-17-2017, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Did you ever consider doing a little research rather than asking someone to prove something. There are dozens of sites detailing illegal deportations during Obama's tenure. There was a slight decline in 2014 but over all Obama has deported more illegals than any other president, 2.5 million in fact
Because they CHANGED how deportations are handled/counted.

The government is good at changing the measurements to get what they want. Take the CPI, Consumer Price leaves OUT key things that SHOULD be counted. They change the quality of the goods measured so as to bring the prices/index down.

They HIDE inflation from you with altered CPI numbers. They HIDE unemployment from you by "adjusting" for season and people leaving the workforce. They LIE about Hispanics lumping them in with whites when convenient and separating them when beneficial. They lie about crime by failing to mention that HALF the crime in the inner cities doesn't even get reported. Gang murders aren't reported as the bodies are just dumped. Rapes aren't reported because if they time, they'll be killed. Robbery isn't reported because well...they're poor and they shouldn't have expensive stuff.

The world is full of lies...ignorance really is bliss...once you can't unknow.

Hispanics are 1/3 the population, they're the majority under age 7, there are 100 million of them when you count the anchor babies and their kids too.