Thread: Cop killer
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Old 01-18-2017, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I see they caught that POS copkiller in Orlando.

Looks like they did a tune up on his face

I wonder what dirt bag lawyer will represent him?
Thank goodness!! As for his face, I think they showed remarkable restraint. Not sure I could have been so kind. Since he had vowed not to go to prison again, he was probably wanting them to kill him. Sorry, dude. Not everybody get what they want. As for his, "They beat me up, they beat me up" cries: No, that was just a small taste of what you should have received!

Please don't refer to his lawyer as "dirt bag". Under our system, and the Constitution, everyone gets an attorney, if they want one. I'm not a lawyer and not sure what their professional criteria is, but they are possibly required to take cases that they would never take otherwise.

Just for the sake of a better understanding, am I right or maybe even partially about the lawyers?