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Old 01-19-2017, 02:58 PM
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Default Fit for the Presidency

The progressive premature assessment (prediction) of Trump is that he is elected with less of the popular vote then Hillary. And that he begins his term in office with only a 40% favorable rating. And so hapless is Trump that progressives believe unless cabinet members siphons off his presidential responsibilities/power he will fail and not last very long.

"He was elected with just 40% of the popular vote. He was considered a bumpkin from the boonies soon to be crushed by the secession crisis unleashed by his own elevation. So hapless did the poor man appear to his secretary of state, he helpfully suggested to him to allow cabinet members to siphon off his presidential responsibilities unto themselves , with the secretary of state taking the greatest burden. Thus implied the secretary of state the president could save the nation from himself"

The president Abraham Lincoln who consistently is rated as the greatest president who ever served this nation. His Secretary of State William H. Seward who wrote to his wife about Lincoln "He is the best of us"

Seymour Morris, Jr. "Fit for the Presidency"

I would be the first to acknowledge that Donald Trump is no Abraham Lincoln but the parallels cannot escape me.

What I do know is that in order to have an objective performance evaluation it has to first have 1) a period of time where past performance in the job can be evaluated 2) be as objective and quantifiable in order to assess qualitative measurements

Indeed it is sometime difficult to separate the man from the job but in order to be objective voters should view a president's performance as respects his job duties and responsibilities and the reasonableness of his decisions given the know circumstances at the time of said decisions. His private life is another matter and unless it has a direct affect on his presidential duties and this nation is of little concern

Personal Best Regards: