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Old 01-21-2017, 04:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Now I am not trying to be disrespectful but exactly how did they make this count ? How many were actually women vis a vis identified as women?

Did these reporting agencies report how many women "stayed home"?

I assume they were all Hillary Clinton supporters? I would venture a guess that some still believe the election results are not valid? Yet Donald Trump was sworn in yesterday morning,signifying the elections results were valid and legal according to the rules of this nation.

I assume some of these women believe the allegations against Trump and view him as a misogynist pig? So one wonders how these female protesters reconcile that against Hillary Clinton's husband who has been accused of rape and engaging in sex with underage girls?

And what is it exactly they are protesting against? Trump was just sworn in yesterday. Is this a pre-emptive strike in the event he may do something upon which they disapprove? Is the logic here "ready, fire, aim"?

I submit that any and all of the people who continue to protest and refuse to accept the results of this election simply cannot deal with reality. and this is a byproduct of the wussification of this nation mistakenly created by the feminist movement

Personal Best Regards:

The logic escapes me
I have no doubt the logic escapes you. No doubt at all but I'll try to help you understand.

People feel the election was not fair. I'm sure fairness is not of highest importance to you in this issue, but many feel the involvement of the Russians AND Comey tipped the balance towards Trump. The majority of Americans (over 60%) don't approve of Trump and that's a problem. People hoped that once Trump became president he would try to become Presidential and try to bring the country together, unfortunately that hasn't happened. Look at his last few speeches and it's apparent he's still pandering to the uneducated/hateful/racists who voted for him.