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Old 01-22-2017, 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Originally Posted by Guest
Just like "The View"...just a bunch of ignorant women pretending to understand things they can't.

Really Dave? You like watching the view? My condolences over your affliction. Something is wrong when a man...supposedly a The View...and defends them.

I'd heard about the show...and I was unfortunate enough to be held captive in a waiting room one afternoon when The View happened to be on. I couldn't believe such crap was on TV. SO one sided, SO biased, SO WRONG.

People...BOTH sides are trying to brainwash you. The left has the usuals...ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. The right...Fox "News". BOTH sides are nothing but disinformation propaganda machines...playing on your emotions.
Captive in the waiting room, you should have called the police. Oh so you only watch "man " shows? You are a pathetic baffoon.