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Old 01-23-2017, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Con,

I can only laugh at seeing you dusting off your white robes/pointy hat and becoming more emboldened with your misogyny, racism and bigotry...after the election of Trump.

Once again, you make a broad-brushed opinion statement TRY to appear as fact...without one shred of actual proof.

This time though, you've really let decent people see the real you (although I've known for quite some time) thanks for that.

You make ignorant, broad-brushed and racist statements like... ...and then expect people to just believe you.

As some type of proof, you then go and double down on that misogyny/bigotry/ignorance by saying...

Exactly which TV shows and movies...have made you so insecure?

I'm sorry, but you're little sniveling rant does nothing else except support scumbags like larbud & Don Baldwin...and show how much you identify with them.

But hey, it's not all disgusting because finally coming out of your misogynist/white supremacist/bigoted/racist closet and showing what an insecure little boy you are, does at least also let those who know you in real much of a Fake Christian you are to boot.

So there is that.

It also shows that you and Trump share at least one thing, which is... Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
You know, as soon as I see a post that starts out by insulting people, I stop reading.
People say that we should have rational, intellectual discussions to compare ideas yet we have posts that start out by simply insulting people with whom they disagree.
Does anyone actually think that they will accomplish anything by doing this? Does anyone believe that we can make this a better country this way?
If making this a better country is a common goal, then why would anyone resort to this kind of nonsense?