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Old 01-23-2017, 08:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I didn't know who PBR was talking about at the beginning. At first I thought it was MDCPD, but then I realized it wasn't. Anyhow it was a poor attempt.
Nah Chi, MDCPD and RubiTHECon are two peas in a pod.

This is now the second thread RubiTHECon has started...whining about me.

He gets really, really, irritated when he stands on his soapbox, spews long-winded diatribes, lies, plagiarizes and denigrates with a broad-brush (all without a single link/citation)...and then gets called on it.

For whatever reason, he thinks that he should just be able to spout any lies (excuse me "alternative facts")...and people need to automatically believe him.

Sound like anyone else currently in the news?

Anyway, I just got tired of it so started proving his lies were actually lies and now his lips are quivering and he's doing the cyber equivalent of 4th grade schoolyard crying and sniveling, while saying to me... "and no one likes you either."

Rubi is massively insecure.
