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Old 01-28-2017, 10:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You do realize that what progressives are doing and claiming is what psychiatrist refer to as mirroring?

Progressive are chasing imaginary events. Rational people don't march wearing vagina costumes, nor burn and destroy property.

The left literally destroyed the life of a baker who "only" said he would refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding.

Yet, John Lewis and some 60 other representative refuse
to carry out their duties as duly elected federal officials
And a female secret service employee in Denver said she would refuse to take a bullet for Trump. Shouldn't she be dismissed for such a declaration.

I guess the issue and consequences of "I refuse" depends on whose ox is being gored

such hypocrisy, such disrespect, such selfishness, such disregard for human decency

Disgust is something that has to be learned and the progressives misbehaviors are simply disgusting

Personal Best Regards:
You have truely crossed over to become totally crippled, as they described the Jim Jones followers.

While I totally find many of these marchers/protestors to be disgusting, you have completely surrendered to Trump.

You are now in a very obsessive state when it comes to reasoning. You have given up your sharp mind to a man now controls your thoughts and opinions. I blame progressives for many things but not ALL things. I support much of Trump's policies, but not his means, but you have totally sold out.

Guess it helps to have one single group of people to blame for all ills, and one single man to steer your every thought.