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Old 01-28-2017, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Speaking of 'hypocrisy,' why were you so mute when those were attacking Obama with the constant use of the 'N' word...and comparing him to a monkey?

You have always been known to be a flaming hypocrite (as proved by your fake call of 'civility,' then turn around and post the above), but it's only been lately...that you're now coming out of the closet as a flaming racist also.

Come to think of it, I guess that pretty much answers my first

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Dear Posters:

here is an example of someone who really doesn't understand? Such individuals are really lost in it all. It would never occur to them that the wisest course of action involving racist name calling is best met with silence.

Why? Why would one give a racist a platform? naturally the best course of action is no action, staying silent. I mean who would want to engage in such moronic behavior. Oh yea, apparently based on the above-stated comments this poster.

I do enjoy in engaging in civil and logical discourse. But some posters cannot control their "gotcha" impulses, ones that they learned on the first grade playground and never developed beyond that level. a mental developmental issue I believed it is called and presents itself as tiresome, worthless and childish prattle. all one can do in such circumstance is remain patient, offer encouragement and perhaps a silent prayer in their behalf

Personal Best Regards: