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Old 01-31-2017, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
At want point in the current presidency do we admit that Donald isn't about US? We are seeing the consequences of that early on. He is not filtering his actions through a system of checks and balances that this government was based on. AKA the Constitution.
Lets hope that the Republicans in congress realize he is taking power from them.
Yes, he should not be undoing what Obama did when he circumvented congress or as you said "filtering his actions through checks and balances" for whatever that means. You probably do not know, yourself.

Funny how you expect more of him than you did Obama. Was it because you felt that Obama was not responsible for his ignorance? Or, like most liberals do you feel that his being multi-racial makes him less qualified and can not be held responsible for his actions? Maybe you are a racist? After all, Obama created most of this stuff that Trump is undoing, by using his pen instead of congress.