Thread: The Super Bowl
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Old 02-04-2017, 07:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That's real mature. Do you really think that you are succeeding in your bully tactics? Is this your attempt to close down the forum because you were embarrassed by being wrong when you insisted that Hillary was going to win and she let you down? Wow, what a child!

While I was certainly wrong about the number of closet bigots/racists that would ooze out of the walls to vote for Chump and that he could actually eke out an electoral win, even after being behind almost 3 MILLION in the popular vote...Hillary losing has actually had a silver lining.

Being proved correct daily about the Looney Tune called Trump and watching his cultists scramble to try and cover for him...has been very enjoyable.

And hey, it's only been two weeks...LOTS more to come.

Deepest Sincere Wishes: