Thread: words
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Old 02-05-2017, 05:55 AM
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Default Welcome to The Kardashian Nation

Originally Posted by Guest
Just a request, write what you will, but please stop using words in your posts like retarded. It is derogatory and many people on this site have children with special needs. The word retarded is an old word with very negative connotations. Please update vocabulary.
I agree with your suggestion and believe that its intent should be expanded to include expletives ethnic and racial slurs and all words meant to denigrate a person.

I had always been impressed by the fluency of prose from past centuries. In today's world we have but a few truly great writers.

Unfortunately our academic institutions have failed us, our political climate seems to only spew poison with words intentionally applied to create division and agitating propaganda.

It seems we can no longer produce inspiring and uplifting orators and leaders. Its an obvious "tell" on the state of our union which continues its delcine.

Welcome to the Kardashian nation

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