Thread: words
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Old 02-05-2017, 11:18 AM
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SO, are we going to make a list of "offensive" words? If so, please provide a copy so I can be sure to be PC. After all, I don't want to retaliate from being called a "Nazi" or whatever with the wrong verbiage. Words that are not PC to the sensitive that are calling me a "Nazi" just because I have German immigrants in my family. They aren't "retarded" but they probably don't like to be called "Nazi" either. SO, let's make sure that all sensitive folks are treated with kid gloves, while they slur the poster.

ON the other hand, call me what you wish. I don't take it personal, unless you make it personal. And I think that a couple of you know what happens when you bring up something personal with me. I am thick skinned, so I hope you are also.

Discuss politics in a political forum. Slur or disparage the politicians, not the poster.