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Old 02-05-2017, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
What a sad, ugly story. Sounds like the diaper thieves were truly bad guys considering the car involved was gotten in a carjacking incident. Even so, I have so many questions about the shooter. I can understand getting involved in an incident where someone is being harmed in a parking lot, but to help security chase down shoplifters? Sorry, I don't get that. Wish we had more facts. Things just don't add up.
I got the same feeling too Redwitch. Maybe, there will be more facts in this matter. Why would four men need diapers so urgently? I am watching "The Ladykillers" which has two villains with Irritable Bowel Syndrome one of whom gets the runs at the most inopportune moments. Maybe, this was an IBS support group needing adult diapers? Just trying to put in a little humor.