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Old 02-07-2017, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Don't worry. Hillary lied under oath. Obama distorted the truth on many occasions (lies, by liberal standards) Weiner lied, etc. "What difference does it make?" If you want to be foolish about this, fine. I am using the Hillary Precedent.

Trump is doing a great job. I am going to ignore anything he says, just like the left ignored anything Obama said and Hillary said, etc. And let us not forget Billy lying under oath and getting impeached.
Remember who we are dealing with?
Those with two faces....dems lie = OK.

Repubs lie = get the micrometers out and make sure the watermelons are measured correctly....yes, yes use a micrometer to be sure. Then let us get back to measuring the passing clouds to see if they are withinn the dems limits of tolerance.