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Old 02-08-2017, 05:17 PM
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Default At least be honest with yourself

Originally Posted by Guest
R U in denile. Now Nordstrom dumps Avanka line, Trump calls down
Nordstrom for dropping line.

Someone tell me why conflict of interest charges are not in the works.

As a Trump supporter, r u ok with his outside interests while being potus.

still no income tax return, r u ok with that!
RE: Trumps tax return
You want to see it because you feel you are more qualified to review it than the top people at the IRS?
RE: Your tax return
I do not see that you have it posted. Do be sure to ask whoever does your return if they are aware there is a line on the form where you can pay as much extra tax as you wish.

Are you aware that the hated income tax is only 20% of the tax that our government takes. If, it sounds crazy, look at your cell phone bill 1/3 of it is tax. Fill your car or golf cart again 1/3 of what you pay for gas is tax.

For all of us-Fair is what we get, Unfair is the tax they take from us.

In your MIND? TRUMP could not do anything right. Are you aware that Trump has turned down the 400,000 salary the president earns. WHY don't you call that as TAX PAID.

Before you try to spin this. The Clintons current net worth is I recall reading 65 million. They currently own 6 houses including THE GATED ONE in Chapaqua. No MEXICO did not pay for that wall-THE AMERICAN TAXPAYERS DID. The Obamas now have a net worth of, I think I read 14 million.

YOU need to hold the democrats AND YOURSELF to the same standards as you want to hold TRUMP. Think about it.