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Old 02-10-2017, 09:14 PM
jazzy48 jazzy48 is offline
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Just went through this a few days ago. Noticed my crown was loose while flossing, so went to my dentist hoping it just needed new cement. Not the case. Decay under the crown, not much tooth left. My dentist went through all of my options, showing me models of each and explaining the pros and cons of each. My options were a bridge or an implant. The bridge was going to be about $3,300 and involve three teeth (bad tooth, one in front and one behind). Problem is that if a problem should develop with another tooth involved with bridge (and highly likely with my teeth), I'd be looking at another $3,300 or whatever the going price is at that time for a new bridge. The implant is going to be about $3,800, but it's one and done. There are a few steps and a little time consuming, but it's the option I'm going with.