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Old 02-11-2017, 01:59 PM
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Default Conservatives Are Individual Thinkers

Dear Guests:

Despite all the caterwauling by progressives they cannot escape the many truths.

Donald Trump won the election. Hillary Clinton lost the election.

Donald Trump is intent on keeping in the spirit of his campaign promises despite heavy resistance from the left, resistance that has been in the planning stages since Hillary lost the election.

Donald Trump has assembled a wide array of cabinet positions , etc which the left is peddling as "disarray" and its no surprise since progressive operate in a collective and the instrument of their demise.

Trump has not only chosen very capable people but he has directed them to speak out. Trump has let it be known that he does not see disagreement as the problem but as a method for the soundest and surest solutions.

In our democracy we have learned that the competition
of ideas is our strength.

Progressives have lock stepped to the beat of the collective for so long, be it big intrusive government, unions, and especially focused on a single ideology it caused their failure. Its political inbreeding and it caused them to lose their creativity, curiosity, innovativeness and vitality.

Personal Best Regards: