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Old 02-12-2017, 06:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That's interesting, because no one laughs at your childish attack posts. No one even cares that you feel marginalized by him. That he produces a decent and logical post, where all you produce is replies that are of the lowest level troll. Not even good troll material, at that.
Dear Guest:

Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

The poster in question is the most active of what is termed "troll". However from a psychological standpoint it is really fascinating study for an expert to diagnose what causes this poster to respond in this manner and she does it on every post meaning a limited repertoire.

Truth is difficult for many progressives to accept. I posit that decent people in the Democratic Party will drift away because this left fringe group creating chaos simply does not represent who they are and so you will see the democratic party fold as we know it now.

Personal Best Regards: