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Old 02-12-2017, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And then you will find out how it is to be the minority and be discriminated against.
I know what it's like...I'm the only one who CAN be legally discriminated against. EVERY quota given to an inferior is discrimination against a white male. Because THAT is who those slots are taken from. A higher qualified white male is institutionally discriminated against with EVERY quota.

Whites go out of their way to accommodate minorities and not have them make a big stink over to just let them have their way. THAT is why nobody wants them around. Their stupidity, violence, and argumentativeness.

What we're going to find out is...what it's like to be the red headed stepchild...Cinderella. Treated like ****, for being better than our "new masters". They WILL be the MAJORITY within 30 years.