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Old 02-16-2017, 08:26 PM
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I probably fall in the middle area on this subject, but am putting this out there so at least this gets discussed.

So often we do not hear this side.

The second link speaks of Dallas, TX and how if the illegal immigrants go, their economy will collapse.

Just for info

"Donald Trump may not have paid federal income taxes for 20 years, but the undocumented immigrants he rails against certainly have, according to the head of a Latino civic engagement organization.

Maria Teresa Kumar, CEO and president of Voto Latino, said on NBC’s Meet the Press that "no one is surprised" by the New York Times report on Trump’s personal finances and pointed out Trump’s "hypocrisy."

"He keeps talking about undocumented immigrants. Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year. They pay their taxes. They have skin in the game. He is not contributing to a system that he says he's going to go in and fix," Kumar said."

How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes? | PunditFact

Deporting undocumented immigrants would crumble Dallas’ economy | Commentary | Dallas News