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Old 02-16-2017, 10:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Few dare to see. Progressive-ism is actually just another term for socialism/communism. The state normally tries to make itself into a replacement for religion.

Aside-I am not religious because in the end they are all an effort a mass mind control
It's become a replacement for family. Look at all the single mothers relying on government programs. 80% of black mothers are single. Too many white women are single...hispanics...too many are single. Government has taken over for men. Government does the providing.

You shouldn't be religious, along with controlling you...they take 10% to boot.

Originally Posted by Guest
Good to hear from you again. Indeed the subject of religion is a complex one. your reference to mind control essentially is what I refer to as a collective.

I was reared Roman Catholic. I believe my church has done many good things but because of human nature some not very nice things over the centuries.

I am not enamored with our new Pope;albeit I am please to see he both preaches and practices humility.

I believe in GOD ( a higher power) I believe this world would be better place if we all followed the tenets of the Ten Commandments . I believe in prayer.

Personal Best Regards:
No, it's not complex at's fake.

There is no "God" demanding you worship it.

Half of them...the FIRST half of them are all about "him". Really? Trump doesn't act HALF as self centered and you crucify him for it.

They've done blind studies...prayer is worse than 50/50...IF staying on earth is your goal.

You REALLY think "the creator of the universe"...has the time or the inclination to take care of your petty little problems? 9 billion "needy little things" to worry about?

I don't think so.

There just may be a "creator" we could be some aliens thesis project...but "it's" not running everything day to day, making decisions about people lives, etc. That's insane. Or VERY naive.