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Old 02-17-2017, 07:22 AM
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Originally Posted by jebartle View Post
you don't get it, NO ONE WANTS THOSE JOBS!!!!!
Wrong. SOME people would want those jobs. SOME wages may go up. SOME people may have to pay a little more for food and labor.

The net result, SOME lives would be saved, crime would go down, and the tax burden would be reduced.

The economists and other statisticians that have the guts to address the issue have demonstrated many many other benefits such as a A HUGE reduction in health care prices, pollution, costs of many public services, etc, etc.... countless benefits.

Who do you think goes to the emergency room with very minor medical issues?

Property taxes in many areas are over 50% school taxes which are burdened by what?????? Think it through. Think of every other public service being taxed. Police, fire, courts, social services etc etc.

"No one wants those jobs" can only be spoken by those that do not have a grasp on economics and common sense.... or those with a political agenda that ignores reality.

The net effect of immigration reform is incredibly positive! !