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Old 02-17-2017, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest

No, Don Baldwin. It is YOU that is INFERIOR. Just remember that.
Prove it Sandy...prove they are our WHAT are they equal? What do they improve? They ARE another species and to be "just", we've decided to undertake an insane program of "mainstreaming" them into white culture/society. It hasn't worked.

Where is the black equivalent to the villages? Harvard or Yale? Western Civilization? WHY are they ALWAYS found on the LOWEST rung of ANY country? Why does EVERY black neighborhood look the same? Like Somalia or Haiti? Why do ALL our standards HAVE to be lowered to the ground and they STILL need quotas?

They are another species, lacking the Neanderthal hybridization EVERY other race got. WHY do you think they look SO MUCH DIFFERENT? Why do you think their anatomy AND physiology are DIFFERENT than ours? Because THEY are NOT us. They're the "missing link" between man and chimps. They're really smart chimps that can talk...or...really stupid people who can barely speak.

Here...go read...

Human BioDiversity