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Old 02-21-2017, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And the right continues to show their putrid, true...scummy personalities.

Graceless once posted upstairs that she would defend Talt if anyone attacked let's see if she has the guts to do it now.

I'm betting not.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Tal has been ridiculed a number of times, and on a very personal level, and if memory serves me by friends of the person you quote. If not, sorry, but he has received a lot of snide personal remarks.

Of course, I cannot understand how you only support a selected poster or posters. I suppose it's that old "progressive" thing.

They are hated and ridiculed, while extreme alt right is considered the "in" group.

Frankly, Tal has been around awhile. His problem in here is how he feels about Trump. If you even hint at anti Trump, you will be targeted, NOT WITH ANY FACTS, NOT WITH A REBUKE OF WHAT YOU CLAIM....


Tal has had that ridicule on here.