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Old 02-24-2017, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
RE: Barry Barack Hussane Obama
To avoid my reply being a book.
You clearly voted for Obama but who or what did you vote for. At this point it no longer matters as Obama has been removed from the presidency by LAW-term limits.

Were you to look it up you would find Obama graduated high school as BARRY not Barack. His middle name HUSSANE is from a historical MUSLIM hero. Obama CLAIMS to be Christian. Had Obama said he was a Muslim, I think we can all agree he would not have been elected. Obama attended Muslim schools. Do you really believe assuming he reported to the school that he was Christian they did not make every effort to convert him to the muslim faith??????

As to whether Obama was born in America. Actually to run for the presidency you MUST be a born American not a naturalized citizen. The birth record that was supposed to end the question was not an original but a recreation. Interesting it did not match the records he provided in school. While I am not running for president, my birth record which I have shows not only the date and hour of my birth but the name of the doctor who delivered me and my parents name. IT EVEN HAS A FOOT PRINT.

Unlike in third grade there are no do overs.

Obama could not run for a third term though in a speech he did say if he could run he would win a third term. Obama DESPERATELY tried to install Hillary BUT HE FAILED. Aside-yet another unanswered issue. Bill Clinton had already done two terms. When, he was elected Bill directly said that we go two for the price of one with him and HILLARY. Had Hillary won I expect there would be an immediate move to impeach her for an ILLEGAL THIRD CLINTON TERM.
What a useless post, can't you come up with something better than that, little man.