Thread: Poll numbers
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Old 02-26-2017, 06:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If you found it hilarious, then you don't understand what's going on in American politics. Trump is no Republican, he is turning politics upside down, they are all scared. Term limits,loss of lobby money etc.

I find it strange it was as high as 86%

It's no longer business as usual, the establishment is not happy.

Try to grasp the enormity of it all.
The enormity of the propaganda? The enormity of the bullsh!t? The enormity of the lies and corruption?

Presidents don't get "elected" unless the powers that be WANT them elected. It's ALL fixed and we can't change it. If voting mattered...they wouldn't let us do it. The candidates are already "made men" and work for the REAL bosses.