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Old 02-28-2017, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
please take your meds!!
The trouble is...YOU have been taking YOUR meds...the meds that keep you sedated while everything falls apart around you.

GO into the black park, the mexican part of ANY town...THAT is what you get with those "people"...every time. Name me a place that is black/mexican that is JUST like the villages. They DESTROY...they don't build. They may work in construction, but it's always for some white guy. They ALWAYS destroy the school, business, neighborhood, town, city, and country. There is not ONE successful black place. NOT WHY in Gods name would ANYONE not heavily medicated want MORE of them ANYWHERE?

Mexicans ARE 1/3 the population...they ARE 100 million. Their numbers ARE growing while whites numbers fall. The country WILL BE a hispanic majority within 30 years. The country WILL BE a Mexico II because they have no desire to keep "white" culture and rules. They hate us. Blacks hate us. Your granddaughters WILL curse your names as harassment by minority men becomes the norm.

Take your granddaughter to the minority part of town NOW...for a "sneak peek" of America's future...go there Friday night...walk around, mingle with the locals, do some window shopping. Stay close to MLK Blvd for the COMPLETE black experience.

You come back and you tell me with a straight face...they're the same as us.

It's THEM, it's their CHARACTER, it's their VIOLENCE.

Villages news had 3 stories about violent blacks today. Killing people, trying to run them down, they're violent...they're NOT us.

So Ms Bartle...explain to me why you think I need meds when the day to day facts staring you right in the face makes me believe that YOUR meds are preventing you from comprehending the reality of REAL life.

Do you frequent MLK Blvd and therefore you have an inimate knowledge and understanding that I'm missing? Or are you the typical hypocrite liberal woman, talking sh!t, and living in a 99% white paradise? You love them so much...go live with them...DON'T bring them here.