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Old 03-11-2017, 06:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I read that to coincide with "A Day Without Women, BETC Sao Paulo has created a free app for a cell phone called Women Interrupted which actually records the number of times women are interrupted by men. If this allegation is true it seems to me to be a matter of etiquette and not sexual inequality but here we go again.

We have read ad nauseam of the instances where free speech at our educational institute is being denied and increasingly these protests are becoming more violent

We witness Black Lives Matters in action

We watch as our government officials act lawlessly
to the detriment of our nation.

George Soros's name appears often. But when one of the frequent actors is the US intelligence agencies iI get really concerned

the new telephone app is nothing but a gimmick to create chaos between men and women. Black Lives Matters between whites and blacks. The intelligence community a war on Trump, etc

None of this is good for our nation. Forces are working under the cover of darkness to bring this nation to its knees and citizens are taking the bait.

Just go back on a number of political talk threads and observe the bickering back and forth what end?

responsible citizens demand responsible government but none of us are getting to the store.

Personal Best Regards:
Yeah, this is the real problem internationally.

That problem between Trump and the intelligence community could not possibly be a result of Trump defaming them in public, refusing to accept what they have to say....nah, that couldn't be it.

Trump could not possibly be in the wrong

Internationally, there could not be concern that he had a National Security Advisor that was an agent forbTurkey.

It was no doubt this app.