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Old 03-17-2017, 07:47 AM
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Taltarzac725 Taltarzac725 is offline
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I look like the most conservative person in my picks. Except for Nevada and I just picked that school because I went there from 1976 through 1983 or so getting two BAs and starting work on two MAs in Philosophy and History. Dropped out of those MA programs to get a MA at the U of Denver Graduate School of Librarianship and Information Management. U of Denver's Basketball did not do very well this year.

Minnesota is out too already where I got my Law Degree in 1989 and stayed to work at their Law Library until the Summer of 1991 but remaining until late November of 1991 to write many politicians, justices, association heads and the like about respect for people who have had close connections to survivors victims of crimes.