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Old 03-21-2017, 06:33 PM
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This does not mean it won't get fixed, and his followers keep harping on how long he has been in office, but the context is he is spending more time tweeting, accusing, defending, and yes..still campaigning instead of getting involved in governing.

I hope he succeeds and will say again...he better...economics and jobs are his key. If he shows no or not much in those areas, he will have a sad time.

He is actually threatening folks in congress on the health bill. Not sure that is smart...

"For the first time since the election, markets are doubting they will get the pro-growth policies of tax reform and stimulus promised by President Donald Trump and the Republican Congress.

The repeal of Obamacare appears to have hit some snags and the GOP brought out Trump earlier Tuesday to serve as pitchman to House Republicans who may have been wavering ahead of Thursday's vote. Whether he won votes or not is unclear, but markets certainly took the lack of clear majority support as a negative."

The Trump Honeymoon Is Over: Markets Are Now Scared His Promises Won'''t Come True - NBC News