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Old 03-22-2017, 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The first ammendment allows free speech, however, I just wish that your criticism of me or any other person who might be different than you politically would SOMEDAY be extended to your friends who equate Russian way of life with ours, who express true hate for anyone not white or Christian or even male.

I don't expect that, but your stated dissatisfaction seems to be narrow and reserved.
We "hate" their actions, what they do, we don't want them around us. Surely, there are people you don't want to be around and you don't want to be FORCED to associate with them. (Murderers, rapists, thieves, pedophiles, conservatives, independents, etc) Give us the same courtesy by allowing us to add blacks/Hispanics. That's ALL we add them to the already LONG list that you agree with yourself.

The difference between "your" politics and "my" politics is...your WILL destroy the country in 30 years...the timer is ticking...the minority populations ARE growing...RAPIDLY. Whites ARE 49% and falling. America is GONE when the Hispanic majority arrives. They are ALREADY the majority of young children.