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Old 03-26-2017, 01:04 PM
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It has been well established that many of these protests are being financed by Soros and supported by him in one way or another because he desires to take down strong nations to achieved his globalist objectives. Obama, Clinton based on their relationship to this issue ( ex -president and Hillary's unsuccessful bid) should speak up as leaders of the democratic (Progressive) Party but they have not. I personally believe they are actively implicated in this movement against Trump but will place that issue aside. SIMPLY STATED, BY THEIR SILENCE ON THE MATTER BOTH ARE AT MINIMUM ARE ACCEPTING OF THIS CONDUCT AND THE OBJECTIVES BEING UNDERTAKEN TO DESTROY TRUMP.

If you listen to the narratives being espoused by these protesters they all are arguing the myths coming out of the ghettos or from the LGBT communities. This is their opportunity and convenient excuse to rally against the white man.

Personal Best Regards: