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Old 03-27-2017, 04:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It's..."I was Congratulating myself."

With as often as you do it (at great risk of personal injury, when you're always patting yourself on the back)'s surprising that you screwed up something so simple.

On second thought, given your lack of intellectual prowess...maybe not so surprising after all.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:

You have got to stop flirting with me. Your personal feelings toward me are getting to be a little creepy

The congratulations actually was the fault of spell check. Because my not so nimble fingers juxtaposition two letters and I right clicked and evidently clicked on congratulation. I changed my mistake as I read this thread again this morning and before I read your thread

I wish you no ill will because hate is not a part of my make up

Personal Best Regards: