Thread: We Don't CARE!
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Old 03-31-2017, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The real truth is that educational institutes do not educate kids they indoctrinate them into the social justice warrior agenda which includes white hate, socialism, secularism, homosexuality as normal and parents are allowing this to occur. It is being reinforced in the movies, television kids watch and readings they accomplish all of this with linguistic constructivisms (ie the narratives they write or more precisely re-write)

Personal Best Regards:
The kids of today that you say are being indoctrinated are the offspring of OUR generation. It is OUR kids who are doing the indoctrination into the social justice agenda of white hate, socialism, secularism, and homosexuality as normal. The parents who are allowing their children to watch the movies, play the video games, watching the television are OUR children.

Did OUR children get this upbringing from us (you), Rubicon? Or did they rebel against the upbringing from you?