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Old 04-02-2017, 04:19 PM
GrannyMason GrannyMason is offline
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[QUOTE=Robin Donnelly;1370679]I've found the women in my neighborhood to be gossipy, bored, jealous and petty. In my particular neighborhood they dislike anyone younger than them and congregate with one another to the exclusion of anyone who refuses to gossip with them or they feel they can't manipulate. They have way too much time on their hands and try to make trouble for the ones they don't like. For example, someone called Community Standards to report a pergola we had put in, even though it was put in under code and approved. Of course when confronted, they all denied calling. Cowards. Another neighbor called surveyors instead of talking to us to report an encroachment onto their property and then blamed us for the mistake. When the landscaping guy asked why she didn't talk to us about it first, she yelled, "I don't talk to anyone." Liar. She just doesn't talk to us. We had the encroachment fixed before we even received a letter but knew from the flags in the yard and then eyeballing the mistake that there was a mistake on the part of the landscaping company. It was no big deal, but THE ENTIRE neighborhood had to come over and stand there and gawk at the area and proceed to whisper about it. Like we did something wrong on purpose to her. Geez. All these problems started on the day I decided I'd had enough of the neighborhood narcissist and put her in her place about her passive aggressiveness towards me. Now, I'm the bad guy and she has had the ENTIRE neighborhood exclude us on her behalf. They have become her flying monkeys without their knowledge. I know high schoolers more mature than these people.

"You reap what you sow!" This woman is delusional. The neighborhood she is referring to is comprised of friendly, caring and nurturing people. We were the last to move into the neighborhood and they were the only ones that never bothered to introduce themselves or welcome us.

We all had a fabulous going away party for them....unfortunately they missed it as they were already gone.