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Old 04-03-2017, 08:21 AM
retiredguy123 retiredguy123 is offline
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Originally Posted by DonH57 View Post
After reviewing the play, I can see how her hand would have obstructed her view of the ball in relation to the coin but I could not see a pitch or ball mark at the ball placement. Why is golf the only sport I can sit in my underwear, drink PBR or take a toke, and armchair referee the game from my living room? Just asking!
I do see a small hole or mark on the video. But, what is really interesting on the video is that she picks up the ball and immediately replaces it without cleaning it or lining up the ball markings with the hole. These are the typical reasons why a player will mark the ball in the first place. So, it begs the question, why did she even mark the ball if she were not trying to improve her lie?