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Old 04-04-2017, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It was and is, and our White House responded by blaming Obama, as they did on the later news about Nirth Korea mislead.

First time in my memory that our President has not informed the country of his foreign policy, so we are in the dark.

Syria, N Korea, China, etc need attention, but he is busy interfering with a congressional and senate investigation. Using his important staff resources, not to protect us, but to build a defense for something.
The man is really leading us to a Constitutional Crisis. He is just what the Founding Fathers were scared of-- an unprincipled, extremely wealthy, dishonest would-be dictator of a sort who feeds the masses with bread and circuses. And who seems to work with our enemies to undermine or principles as written in the US Constitution. And he probably wants to have his own army of some kind or it looks that way from all the money his is throwing at a military that really does not need it at least when compared with how many problems our infrastructure has as well as the mess that still is the Affordable Care Act.