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Old 04-08-2017, 08:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
There is a huge difference in woman and men. Thank Goodness.

I don't feel unwelcome here, I just don't understand all this male nastiness. I sort of understand female nastiness and I have been nasty...I don't like female nastiness either.

I don't like the feelings of anger this Forum engenders in me.

I had every intention of staying away when I said I am dropping the mic two days ago. I can't stand the heat. I need to stay out of this kitchen. I will try.

Put the seat down.
That's what blacks are known for...dropping the mic and walking away. SO sure of themselves that there's no more discussion. A lot of people here...drop the mic...and they're wrong.

Originally Posted by Guest
Don Baldwin has facts. From where? All I have seen from him is stuff that belongs in some Nazi grade school book with their overgeneralizations about race, genes, social Darwinism, and other fake science.
Then you haven't been looking.

Let's ALL go on a field trip...we'll go somewhere REALLY black...Pahokee came up in one thread...let's ALL go down there and see how the 99% of blacks live. We'll go on a Saturday night. You'll see that THEY are not like us at all. You'll see how dangerous having THEM as the new majority will be. You'll see America's future as they DO become the majority. You'll see what animals they really walking into a zoo. You'll see that the MYTH "as seen on YV", isn't reality at all.

Are you going to be the first to sign up for a trip into minority reality? We can stop at "Mexico Town" on the way there...or the way back.

Or...would you rather agree that I AM right and stay here this weekend...or go someplace else that is MOSTLY WHITE? NOBODY EVER visits the minority part of town. WHY? Because they're NOT like us.

Admit it!

Originally Posted by Guest
C"mon MDCPD, how many here would be surprised if you woke up one morning with Donny B's balls on your chin?

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Sorry you sick f@ck... Are you one of those "perfectly normal" men who like to have other men f@ck them in the a$s? You can take my place.

Colgal hasn't taken me up on my offer to show her a good time...put in a good word for can have the guys.